Step 1: Integrate API to your workspace

Connect with different APIs to your Workspace

In this article, you will learn how to Integrate API to your workspace with the following steps -

Step 1: Click on 'Connect to an API' on your workspace

Step 2: Select an Integration from a list of Integrations

Say if you selected as an integration. 

Step 3: Click on 'Integrate' button on top right - 

Step 4: Bring your API key and add relevant information needed for the integration and click 'Save'. 

Step 5: You can see the added API in your configured APIs - 

Step 6: Done! You've now added the integration to the workspace. Now you can use it when selecting a column type 'API' or 'Push Button' to the workspace. 

Next steps: 

Check out this article here on how to use API at the column level or even configure a push button at the column.

Slack Integration has a different flow at the table level, cannot be used at the column level. Rest all APIs can be used at the column level. 

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