
Things to keep in mind while using formulas

Well, creating formulas are not everyone's cup of tea, but creating them on Stackby is easy. Having said, there are a few pre-requisites and norms that you need to be aware of before you start creating those simple or complex formulas on Stackby. ...

Formula Terminology in Stackby

Terminology In Stackby we use formulas consisting of terms and symbols which are the same for programming languages. They are simplified to make formulas easier to write and understand. The table below lists the terms you'll encounter and some com...

Basic calculations using the formula column

In Stackby formulas are slightly different from traditional spreadsheet programs like Excel or Google Sheets.  In a spreadsheet, you can put a formula in any cell, and have it reference any other cell in the sheet. But Stackby is a relational data...

Finding and Replacing text

SEARCH() SEARCH will only provide the character position if it finds one. If search-string is found it will give position number else it will give -1  Syntax:  SEARCH (String, Search-string) Example:  If you want to find A from the given string Re...

Writing Formulas in Excel vs Stackby

If you're an excel or google sheet user who just loves formulas, and are just getting started with Stackby, this article is for you!  While the fundamentals of formulas remain the same, there are some differences you can learn as you become a Stac...

Guide to REGEX() functions

Regular expressions allow you to find patterns in character combinations in a string. It's super powerful and are used in modern search engines and word processors.  There are three types of REGEX Function in Stackby. They are REGEX_MATCH(), REGEX...