Why Stackby?

Why did we create Stackby?

We started Stackby to solve our own problems. 

While working in Corporate R&D at a large fortune 500, I came to realize that large organizations heavily depend on spreadsheets and vertical pre-packaged software to manage their organizational data. We would make spreadsheets to manage our deal-flow, organize sales leads, track patents, build project timelines, track competitors, so on and so forth. Our division was not alone, this trend was universal across most if not all divisions. And it still remained the same as we interacted to other organizations, small or large across different sectors. 

Though spreadsheets are great to solve your number crunching needs, it still cannot do what most people want - organize information the way we need! And from what we have experienced & validated is that enterprise apps are too clumsy, have deep learning curves, high setup times and customization meant money. And almost always, we all ping pong between those disconnected apps to manage our workflows. 

After interacting with over 1000+  managers, entrepreneurs, owners from all functions, across industries, realized the problem is big enough to be solved. We thought wouldn’t it be great if we gave the power of building own application + computation to a non-technical spreadsheet user? 

We stumbled upon the idea of Stackby to give access & power of computation to the non-technical end user.  Where the end user can create and customize their own application without having to spend hundreds and thousands of $$$ to build one. 

The idea itself seemed so powerful, that we did not wait to start this journey. 

Ok so why you should use it? 

1. Data and collaboration are centerpiece to your work or your organization 

We live in exponential times, where data creation, consumption, collaboration and computation is growing just like Moore's law. Organizing information is the centerpiece of our lives. 

With Stackby, you can build your own relational database in a snap just by using your spreadsheets skills either by importing your data from spreadsheets, building your own or choosing from 100s of templates and start collaborating upon it in real-time. You can customize your stack through rich fields, contextualize it and view it in ways you that tickles you the most - like Kanban, Calendar, Custom Forms etc. 

2. You love flexibility and personalization of your workflow 

When you are dealing with large number of people working on a dataset, you must have experienced how data can get messy fairly quickly. One person wants to filter the data in certain way, other person want to sort and another wants to hide a column, these issues we face daily when we collaborate. 

With accessibility of different views in Stackby, you can personalize your data to your view of your liking and still see changes on the underlying dataset all your team members working on. Most of the people we spoke to love this flexibility in their workflow with zero data redundancy and a real-time record history. 

3. You have multiple use-cases and you don't know where to start 

With so many vertical pre-packaged softwares available in the market, many teams are confused as to which software fits their needs and are always on a lookout. One of the core value propositions of Stackby is that we are trying to proliferate all these vertical apps in to a single cohesive platform that will not just fit one of your use-case but many in succession or may lead you to track something you never thought before. Be it creating your own lightweight CRM, running your marketing campaigns, tracking your inventory, managing your digital assets or preparing for your product launch, the possibilities of what you can do with it are endless. 

4. You want to grow & improve your workflows

You can start small but build to scale it in your teams. That's where Stackby shines. From organizing data, automating processes, collaborating with your teams, creating reporting dashboards or even connecting with any third party services, the workflow combinations are only limited by your imagination. 

Some of our featured templates are here: https://stackby.com/templates

It may be challenging the status quo, but we believe that is future of work lies in the democratization of software creation. 

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