Using & Operator in Formula Column

Combine multiple values seamlessly in a formula column by using the & operator to concatenate text, numbers, and other data.

We’ve now added support for ‘&’ in formula column.

Here are some ways you can use & in your formula:

  1. If you’re using & in the context of two numerical columns, say {Price 1} & {Price 2}, it will basically SUM by default.

  2. If you’re using & with two text columns, say `{Text 1} & {Text 2}, it will create a CONCAT (Concatenate) of two columns and the output will be ‘Text1Text2

  3. If you’re using & in an IF formula, say IF({Column 1}>{Column 2} & {Column 2}=1, "Yes", "No") then it will basically use & as a AND logical operator.

You can also use in the SWITCH () and nested IF() formulas easily. 

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