Logical Operations in a programming-language symbol that denotes a logical operation. In stackby we use logical operators that allow you to compare values in one column to another column.
Greater then or less then
We will have two columns income and expenses, from that we will find whether it is greater than or less that with the help of operator in Stackby
Greater then: If income is greater than expenses, we will check this. The result will be either true(1) or false(0) as.


Less then: If income is less than expenses, we will check. The result will be either true(1) or false(0).


Greater then or equal to or less then or equal to
Greater then or equal to
We have seen that if income is greater than expenses the result will be 0 or 1. But what if both are the same? So If income is greater than equal to expenses then the result will be 1(true).


Less then or equal to
In the same way, If income is less than equal to expenses then the result will be 1(true).


Equal: Check if income is exactly equal to expenses. We will use “=” operator.


Does not equal: Same, we can check if a value is not equal to another by using “!=” operator.
