Release 1.39 : 06 Jan 2023


  1. Global Search app in Stackby Apps Marketplace 


  1. Improved Dropdown redesign in column configuration - Edit column property

  2. New View Embed Page to create customizable view embeds to add to your web–page. 

  3. Sticky header on dashboard

  4. Information model for new feature introduction.

  5. Improvements in activity history for different column types - date, single option, link etc. 

  6. When API enabled template is copied to workspace, and enter in stack, show a tag

  7. Added 'Request a Feature' to Resources page

  8. Improvements in Kanban view

  9. ”Add new record” in front of plus sign

  10. ”Delete current record” in front of bin icon


  1. Fixed: Copy paste not working when you just open the stack for the first time.

  2. Fixed: When you submit a response via form, created time shows 'Invalid Date'.

  3. Fixed: In the embed view, don't show "remove sign" in the link model.

  4. Fixed: While sharing workspace, read only permission is coming for the first time.

  5. Fixed: Remove + sign (Add new row) from embed calendar view.

  6. Fixed: Rating column is overlapping when count is greater than 5 

  7. Fixed: Embed View - Screen getting blanked when opening an expanded record.

  8. Fixed: Adding date column default value from calendar view not showing in main view.

  9. Fixed: Expand row in Stack & View Embed not proper.

  10. Fixed: Do mobile signup changes

  11. Fixed: When logout, it does not open app add model via Google sign in 


  1. Updated: Marketing Campaign Tracker Update

  2. Updated: Simple Applicant Tracker 

  3. Updated: Sales Pipeline 

  4. Updated: Digital Content Calendar

  5. Updated: Product Catalog

  6. New: Product Ops

  7. New: Employee task list

  8. New: Apartment catalog

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