Release 1.54: 13th July, 2023


  1.  Help slider : The Help slider provides access to various resources including Stackby’s Help Center, the official community website, our help bot, support team contact information, templates, sales team contact information, API documentation, and more.


  1. FIXED: Header Issues in Stackby One page

  2. FIXED: Issue in link column config when changing table names

  3. FIXED: Formula - DATE_DIFF formula issue on same date (Julia)

  4. FIXED: Append CSV not taking date, text from the CSV in the table

  5. FIXED: Anucha Adsin- Error while duplicating stack.

  6. FIXED: When stack is shared and if stack owner remove any view then it should go to main view

  7. FIXED: Manage pivot table issue when single option column value is updated.

  8. FIXED: Change URL link for Online database.

  9. FIXED: Delete row not seen at bottom.

  10. FIXED: Formula conditions changes for  - SWITCH()


  1. Online Certificate Generator Template

  2. YouTube Thumbnail Creator Template

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