LinkedIn Ads - API Connector

Seamlessly integrate and manage your LinkedIn Ads data with the powerful LinkedIn Ads API Connector.

LinkedIn Ads offers marketers the opportunity to leverage sponsored posts and sidebar ads in order to generate exposure, clicks, and conversions. Stackby helps you pull LinkedIn Ads information through its integrations feature. Here is how you can integrate LinkedIn Ads with Stackby. 

How to Integrate LinkedIn Ads to your Workspace?

Step 1: Go to Integrate -> LinkedIn Ads.

Step 2: Click On Add Key -> Add a name to your integration -> Connect to your LinkedIn Account.

Step 3: Select your LinkedIn Account to integrate.

info icon
Note: You need to authenticate your linked in account every 60 days to keep your account working (per LinkedIn policy).

Next Steps

LinkedIn Ads helps you pull in Ads information via its LinkedIn Ad API that you can integrate via Stackby. 

Now that you have set up the integration, here is how you can pull in your data:

  1. Go to the stack and keep the first column or any column as the reference (here it will say -- the Campaign ID) for collecting your data.

  2. In the second column, connect to the LinkedIn Ads API and rename the column, select "API" as the column property and choose LinkedIn Ads as the API and select the Campaign ID column.

  3. Add in the Campaign ID (bring from LinkedIn Campaign Manager) from the Campaigns tab. 

4. Click on the refresh arrow and you see the API work on the stack and the data start filling in the consecutive columns (you get to decide, which data you want to access by selecting it from our data explorer) -- just make sure you change the column names and property beforehand; repeat with other columns.

Available API Functions

Get LinkedIn Ad Campaign Details
Get LinkedIn Ad Campaign Details
Reference Input column: Campaign ID
Output: Brings individual campaign details

Get LinkedIn Ad Analytics of a Campaign
Get LinkedIn Ad Analytics of a Campaign
Reference Input column: Campaign ID
Output: Bring ad analytics like impressions, views, clicks and so on.

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