SendFox - API Connector

Track and automate email campaigns reporting with SendFox API.

SendFox is an email marketing platform that makes it easy to automatically send customized emails to your subscribers. The good news is that you can integrate SendFox with Stackby to pull information about your lists and campaigns onto Stackby. Here is how you can integrate SendFox with Stackby. In this article, we will also see what kind of information you can pull through to Stackby.

How to Integrate SendFox to Stackby?

Step 1: Sign up or Login to your SendFox Account.

Step 2: On the top right, click on Account settings →Your name --> Click on API on left.

Step 3: Create a new Personal access token → give your token a name and click on create→ Copy the token.

That takes care of what you need from SendFox. Now, go back to your Stackby Account.

Step 4: Go to Integrations Tab → Sendfox → Select workspace → Paste the API token.

Now that you have set up the integration, here is how you can pull in your data:

  • Go to the stack (the one you have created to get the SendFox data and keep the first column as the base (could be Contact ID or Campaign ID or by email address) 

  • In another column, connect to SendFox API by choosing SendFox Service in API column type and choosing either of these: Find Contact by Contact ID, Find Contact by Email or Get Campaign Details function and then select the relevant reference ID (that is contact ID, Campaign ID or email address).

  • Add in the relevant reference field you want the information for, click on the refresh arrow bring up the data as a JSON response (in the cell you will see it as {data})

  • Click on the {data}, and it will open up the data explorer for you to choose the information you want to display on the stack

  • Select the appropriate checkboxes and click on create columns (it will tell you how many columns based on the number of checkboxes you select from the data explorer)

  • See the magic happen and the API bring in the data that you need

Get your SendFox campaign and Contact IDs 

Copy the campaign ID or contact ID directly from the URL and add it to your columns to bring information. 

Note: You can get the contact ID as well from the URL once you click on any of your contacts. 

Available API Functions

1. Find Contact by Contact ID
Reference Input column: Contact ID
Output: Contact by contact ID

2. Find Contact by Email
Reference Input column: Email
Output: Contact by email

3. Get Campaign details
Reference Input column: Campaign ID
Output: Campaign by campaign ID


SendFox Campaign Metrics Template: Track and analyze all email campaigns metrics in a single place and increase customer retention.

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