Release 1.60: 12th Oct, 2023


  1. Recent activity history for the last 6 months.

  2. Remove app sumo old plan option from dropdown.


  1. FIXED: Unable to add any special characters in slack or workspace name.

  2. FIXED: Search box cutting like this in templates page.

  3. FIXED: Issue when we try to search any record in the grid.

  4. FIXED: Undo copied data issue

  5. FIXED: Facing issue in update form when we turn toggle for condition on.

  6. FIXED: Remove Profile image update URL filed

  7. FIXED: Two times names come in notifications when you mention someone in the collaborator field.

  8. FIXED: Error while moving workspace position from dashboard.


  1. IT service desk Template

  2. Benchmark Analysis Template

  3. Vendor List Template

  4. Yearly Budget Template

  5. Scrum Sprint Planning Template

  6. Task and issues Template

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