Release 1.53: 3rd July, 2023


  1. Add 'All columns' and 'Specific columns' in Updated By column type.

  2. Make "Delete" text red:
    Delete row, Delete table, Delete workspace.


  1. FIXED: When the column is formula, it doesn't show invalid date.

  2. FIXED: Name is not coming properly in notification.

  3. FIXED: While adding apps in any workspace plan, after the app limit is reached no upgrade button is showing.

  4. FIXED: The Expanded app / dashboard overlaps with the view section.

  5. FIXED: Lookup showing IDs in download CSV

  6. FIXED: No preview available for voice recording in Attachment column type

  7. FIXED: Share affiliate link issue

  8. FIXED: LinkedIn API not working


  1. Content Studio Templates

  2. Innovation Idea Management Templates

  3. Commission Tracking Templates

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