Release 1.43: 3rd March, 2023

New Features:

  1. Implement Read, Unread in Notifications 

  2. Make column config open right where the column is. 


  1. FIXED: Column header mismatch issue when you move freezing column

  2. FIXED: Tooltip issue of view menu

  3. FIXED: Expand view - Collaborator toggle issue in reminder

  4. FIXED: Not working real time stack name, stack color, stack icon 

  5. FIXED: Create Expand row box in calendar view for Week, Work day as well

  6. FIXED: Display summary bar in embed view

  7. FIXED: Color filter is not getting reflected in embed view

  8. FIXED: Real-time issues on Lookup, Lookup Count, Aggregation when conditional filters are applied.


  1. New: Employee Task List

  2. New: Restaurant Budget

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