Release 1.5: May 14, 2021


  1. INTEGRATIONS: LinkedIn Pages API is now live. Now you can bring your organization's page followers, shares and details directly in your tables and create weekly reports. 

  2. INTEGRATIONS: Added date parameters (optional) in Facebook Ads API (For Campaigns, Adsets and Ads). 

  3. FEATURE UPDATE: New Referral page. Now gamify your complete Referral experience with Stackby. 


  1. IMPROVEMENT: Updated email template for form submissions to now support - attachment URLs and only visible column responses now show in the email template 

  2. IMPROVEMENT: Real-time issues on Lookup and Aggregation column types 

  3. IMPROVEMENT: Revised formula structure, now vertical scrolling will be much faster on stacks with many formula column types. 

  4. IMPROVEMENT: Copy-paste now much better, when multiple people collaborating on views. 

  5. IMPROVEMENT: Rating column type more intuitive in cells.

Bug Fixes

  1. FIXED: Facebook Ads API is now upgraded to a new version

  2. FIXED: CoinMarketCap API object issues resolved, now you can bring any crypto data with ease. 

  3. FIXED: Expand view on stack embeds caused blank screen with date column types. 

  4. FIXED: On view collaboration, columns automatically got hidden on copy-paste. Now works fine. 

  5. FIXED: BLANK () formula shows NaN instead of BLANK

  6. FIXED: When pasting multiple values follow by comma in Link, it combined two values into one

  7. FIXED: Link to Text --> Copy-Paste showed random ID, now shows proper text 

  8. FIXED: Insert column right, left now working fine 

  9. FIXED: When try to add link from expand cell, screen goes blank

  10. FIXED: Filters works fine now on Formula column type. 

  11. FIXED: Copy date formula to text shows integer rather than date itself 

  12. FIXED: Search issue when multiple collaborators in a stack, view. 

  13. FIXED: When adding column, popup configuration error 

  14. FIXED: Populating list of linked rows did not load fully. 

  15. FIXED: Copy-paste formulas in reference columns caused issues 

  16. FIXED: Column drag in Kanban view caused blank screen issues 

  17. FIXED: Formula data shows NULL on some formulas on Zapier, Integromat 


1. LAUNCHED: YouTube Channel Analytics (ft. YouTube Analytics API)

2. LAUNCHED: Technical SEO Audit

3. LAUNCHED: Web Analytics Report (ft. Alexa API) 


1. How to use Conditional Lookup, Count and Aggregation

2. How to use Kanban Views 

3. Covid-19 Response Template

Watch the latest Stackby Product Webinar 2021  

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