Keeping the Header in the Center
Using the header center you can align your Logo and Form Name in the center.

Change Background Color
In this option, 2 types of shades are provided
Dark - These color are free for all and anyone can use it
Light - To use the light color shade you need to have a business plan. To upgrade or view the business plan click here.

Edit Submit Message
Here you can configure the message you want to show after successful completion of Form.

Remove Password Submit Warning
This option allows you to add a warning at the bottom of the page. The message displayed at the bottom is "Never submit password with Stackby form".

Send Email Notifications on Form Submissions
Enabling this option sends you an email on every new form entry. To know more about this visit Email Notification on Forms

Remove Stackby Branding from the footer
You can also remove Stackby branding from the form footer.
This feature is only available to the business plan user. To upgrade or view the business plan click here.
Disable Submit Another Response
Enabling this option removes the link from the Submit another response button that appears after the successful submission of the form.

Redirect URL
This option helps you when you want to bring the user back to the same page or a new page after the successful completion of the form.
This feature is only available to the business plan user. To upgrade or view the business plan click here.

Remove Stackby Branding
Now you can remove the Stackby branding from the bottom of the screen. This feature is available to the business users only. To upgrade or view the business plan click here.

Make this Two Column Form Layout
It creates a more visually appealing and professional-looking form.
This option will help you to arrange the columns you want to appear side-by-side by organizing them.