We currently support 2 inbuilt field types such as 

  • Created time (at) 
  • Updated time (at)

Created time - Will automatically show the date (and time) that row was created. Just as the date field type, you can also choose the date format and also select an option to show timestamp. If you want to show the timestamp, you can choose the format of the timestamp (with 12hr, 24hr format). 

Updated time - Will automatically show the date (and time) that row was last updated or modified. Just as the date field type, you can also choose the date format and also select an option to show timestamp. If you want to show the timestamp, you can choose the format of the timestamp (with 12hr, 24hr format). 

Updated time for Specific columns

You have the ability to personalize the updated time column. This includes modifying the specific values that are displayed and determining the formatting of those values.

By default, the updated time column is configured to display All editable columns.