We have introduced a new way to conditional color format your rows and visualize your data effectively. 

Color Formatting on rows is Stackby Powerups Feature. In this, you can easily discern the meaningful distinction between rows, without having to dig into details.

You can apply colors to the rows by applying the custom filtering conditions.

To apply colors to the rows. Follow these simple steps-

  1. Inside the stack, on the top right-hand side under the Account option, you will see colors written. Click on it.
  2. Now click on Add Colors and Choose the color.
  3. Now click on Add Condition and Choose the condition on which rows you want to apply color.

Note - You can also choose to color the whole row or to just color it partially. You can do this by changing the toggle on and off of the Make Full row color.

How to Apply Condition

Applying condition in the row coloring is similar to how you apply filter

To add the condition you need to click on the '+ Add Condition' present inside the Colors menu and then select the column on which you want to apply the condition.